The Art Conservation Club holds events throughout the year from pumpkin carving contests, to smashing and reassembling pots, to watching movies, to enjoying a piece of watermelon or a slice of pizza, this club explores fun and interesting aspects of art conservation! Learn more about the field through our mentorship program with upperclassmen and Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation (WUDPAC) graduate students. Join now to get to know your fellow ARTC students! Madeline Hagerman is the ARTC Faculty advisor.
So don't miss out, come join ARTCC!​
Officers 2023-2024
Co-Presidents: Susie Stovell and Jess Mongold
Secretary: Hannah Covel
Treasurer: Kristyn Williams
Events Coordinator: Sabrina Hettinger
Social Media Coordinator: Chloe Terrell
General Board Member: ​Abby Lichtenwalner​
Check our Instagram for current events!​
Past Events
- Washington, DC Trip in Spring 2023
- WUDPAC Mentor Events
- Potluck Dinner and internship talks at the beginning of every Fall and Spring semester
- Portfolio Day every fall: WUDPAC students share their portfolios and experiences with prospective applicants, faculty will be in attendance to answer questions and there will be tours of the labs
- ARTCC movie nights​