During the second year of the program each student in cooperation with his or her advisor will nominate, for approval by the program director, a dissertation committee consisting of at least four but not more than six members. The committee chairperson must have an established record of publication and/or scholarship in the area of concentration selected by the student, and must be a full-time University of Delaware faculty member. The majority of committee members must be full-time University of Delaware faculty; the majority of committee members must hold doctoral degrees. Students are required to select at least one external member, from outside the University, in order to broaden the perspectives of the committee. The external member(s) should have an established record of publication and/or scholarship in the area of concentration of the dissertation. A student can request a change in the committee in writing with justification to the Director of the PSP. Once the student has advanced to candidacy and the dissertation committee is approved by the Director for the PSP, it is forwarded to the Office of Graduate Studies for review and approval.