Survey Approaches: Includes introduction to theory and types of surveys (both traditional and landscape approaches); identification and evaluation techniques; introduction to GIS mapping and remote sensing as concepts.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing Techniques: Includes instruction in the theory and uses of GIS and Remote Sensing and their application at different scales; introduction to software options and types of imagery including georeferencing and rectification imagery.
Understanding and Prioritization of Site Needs: Includes the use of information recovered in the field to assess causes and threats to archeological sites; exploration of subjective, objective and values-based approaches to prioritization; discussion of the roles of stakeholders from government officials to effected villages; and creation effective presentations.
Basics of Site Stabilization, Protection, and Preservation: Includes introduction to options and techniques to physically protect and preserve archaeological sites; roles of non-invasive methods such as structural stabilization, site coverings, and site security; planning and budgeting for site preservation projects.